Jexa Analytics

Weaving Biotechnology Data and Science Together

Sheepdog herding data files

Herding your Precious Laboratory and Study Data to Analysis

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A document that could be a report of some kind.

Your On-Call Analyst and Biostatistician

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An Earlmeyer flask and some cogs

Training Teams to Be Data Experts

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Servers in Front of a Cloud

Full Stack Web and Cloud Development

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I am John Conklin, principal consultant and founder of Jexa Analytics. Throughout my graduate degree in Immunology followed by my 15 years in the San Diego biotechnology industry, a typical situation I found was that many investigators are brilliant at the science, but not typically so much with data collection and handling. This works well in the start up stage and for small teams but the transition to a more streamlined commercial process is typically difficult, if it happens. Every investigator's datapoint is precious, yet many times become "left on the shelf" as the needs grow and doesn't quite fit into the other systems. I've experienced this routinely and realized I enjoy guiding, designing, and creating data systems to maximize the scientific value and potential commercial value of that precious data because, frankly, when all those pieces click into place, when the pipeline automation is humming along, and the analysis can start it triggers some dopamine release. I find it also makes my colleagues happy to spend less time herding data to create datasets while maintaining accuracy for the analyses.

I developed my data handling and analytical skill sets within the environment of a CLIA accredited and CAP certified commercial diagnostic lab whilst submitting regulatory analyses to the New York Department of Health and coauthoring numerous peer reviewed publications and conference abstracts (posters and orals) with leading academic and commercial investigators. Especially with regulatory matters, an efficient and accurate data pipeline translates to less time preparing accurate filings and responses.

While I enjoy these systems and analyses, I also enjoy teaching my techniques and approaches that combine data handling with software development practices so teams can maintain and further build their own pipelines beyond my instruction. Training is also offered to better integrate your current data system into your scientific workflows along with the analyses and publications that follow.

Whether you're a scrappy startup, an established legacy revisiting old data, or looking to vet a potential biotechnology, allow me to help you to better weave together your data and scientific dots and share its story.

Cheers to the Science,

John Conklin

Principal Consultant and Founder, Jexa Analytics

Featured Services

Herding your Precious Laboratory and Study Data

  • Herding your collection of spreadsheets, and scientific data, into a structured commercial-grade data pipeline.
  • Guidance on optimizing your current scientific data, to building a high-throughput cloud-based analysis pipeline, and anywhere in between.
  • Reducing the mental bandwidth of handling your data without sacrificing quality with increased automation and data source integration.
  • Consolidating your data to a centralized source of truth with your SOP's and data pipeline working in concert.
A well-trained sheep dog herding precious scientific data files.

A document that looks like a report of some kind, probably important.

Your On-Call Analyst and Biostatistician

  • Building the datasets, to performing the analysis, to writing the results section, and anywhere in between.
  • Analyses for publication, regulatory submissions, and vetting candidate technologies.
  • Ready to handle one-off analyses from spreadsheets to multi-site study-level analysis.
  • Laboratory instrument-level analysis using the full fidelity of data the instruments provide.

Training your Team to Be Data Experts

  • Technical training on how to align your teams data handling procedures with analytical needs.
  • Training your team to build on and maintain their data pipelines.
  • Methods and scalable tools to create robust and traceable datasets for analysis.
  • Instruction on the components and steps of building and maintaining data pipelines.
A teacher pointing to a whiteboard containing really cool yet nondescript data processing diagrams.


Full Stack Web and Cloud Development

  • Creating and deploying server-based applications to connect your lab data and investigators.
  • Creating and maintaining web applications to allow users to directly work with data with minimal additional training.
  • Designing and Implementing pipeline infrastructure at the scale you need. From collections of spreadsheets and machine output to multi-region cloud-based applications.
  • Setting up secure data storage and access to your data from a few files to a few terabytes.
  • All work is secured via FIDO2 compatible two-factor authentication to minimize the risk of data compromise.


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